If you are the type of person that enjoys empowering content then these videos are for you!
When the going gets tough, Laugh! Let this video serve to inspire you to laugh today and everyday. #hackinghappiness What you think and who you really are. #HackingHappiness By Erik at CPRLaw Many people have heard the term “life coach,” but don’t actually know what a life coach does. It’s actually pretty easy to sum up what a life coach does for his or her clients: he or she acts as a mentor, cheerleader, and confidante to help the client take control of his or her own life and achieve his or her goals. Your Philadelphia personal injury attorney can connect you with a life coach who can help you work through the challenges you face as you recover from your injury. Recovery is a long process, so do not try to rush it. Working with a life coach can help you put your progress into perspective and empower you to continue working toward your recovery goals. A Life Coach can Help you Identify your Fears and Goals During your initial session with a life coach, you’ll discuss your current situation with him or her, your concerns, your goals, and the obstacles you’re facing that keep you from moving toward your goals. When you work with a life coach, you need to establish goals because otherwise, you’ll have nothing to work toward. Your goals don’t have to be anything “big;” they can simply be accomplishments like going back to work or being able to walk without a cane. By identifying your fears and the other obstacles that are holding you back, your life coach can also help you develop strategies for tackling those obstacles head-on and creating a plan that makes it possible for you to reach your goal by taking specific, tangible steps. Your Life Coach Keeps you Accountable Once you and your life coach determine your path to success, his or her job is to keep you accountable for your own progress. This might mean regular check-ins, daily text message or email reminders, or sharing your progress with your coach and receiving feedback. Your coach’s goal is to cheer you on toward victory, but he or she is not here to coddle you. If you procrastinate or slide backward, your coach will discuss the issue with you and brainstorm strategies for getting back on track with you. Your life coach can’t want your success more than you do. To be successful in your pursuit of your goals, you have to want to achieve them and you have to be willing to make sacrifices to make them happen. Your life coach can help you identify the work you’ll have to do to achieve your goals, but he or she cannot do the work for you. Your Coach can Help you Recover Mentally as Well as Physically Recovering from an injury is not just a physical process. Your recovery will likely involve medical treatment and physical therapy, but a full recovery also requires mental healing. Working with a counselor is a great way to sort through your mental challenges during your recovery. A life coach isn’t a counselor, but can complement your counselor’s role in your life by helping you establish a healthy, goal-oriented mindset and take tangible steps toward achieving your goals. #LifeCoaching
Ho’oponopono, The Powerful self-transformation technique.
You are 100% responsible for everything. Everything and everywhere! And it means not only your personal screwups and your personal successes. If means if someone somewhere did something and you became aware of that – you are 100% responsible for that. Ho’oponopono is not your free ticket to guilt trip. Being 100% responsible is not the same as feeling infinitely guilty for miseries. It’s reminder of your creative powers and gentle welcome to return back to your inner nature. That is to Zero. Joe Vitale wrote a great book on the subject called Zero Limits. When you returning back to your most inner nature – to Zero – everything becomes available to you effortlessly and you are being driven by inspiration from Divinity, not by petty ego wants. Ho’oponopono’s Zero is the same thing that Eckhart Tolle names Unmanifested. Back to practical reality – let assume that Zero is the next great thing after sliced bread. Or even before sliced bread. Whatever. How do we get to that “magical” state? What exactly needed to be done? This is achieved by constant cleaning process. Cleaning is the actual Ho’oponopono practice. Cleaning what? You clean yourself from subconscious garbage – programs that run your life without your participation. Apparently Ho’oponopono process is very simple. Actual Ho’oponopono cleaning process consists of repetitions of the following phrases:
Click the link to read full article presentlove.com/hooponopono/ |
February 2022