If you are the type of person that enjoys empowering content then these videos are for you!
An idea permeates our modern view of relationships: that men and women have always paired off in sexually exclusive relationships. But before the dawn of agriculture, humans may actually have been quite promiscuous. Author Christopher Ryan walks us through the controversial evidence that human beings are sexual omnivores by nature, in hopes that a more nuanced understanding may put an end to discrimination, shame and the kind of unrealistic expectations that kill relationships.
http://www.ted.com/talks/christopher_ryan "you can choose to be a vegetarian but don't think that Just because you've made that decision, bacon suddenly stops smelling good" :)
Dedicated to all those who died fighting for the planet and those whose lives are on the line today.
Content credit: The principal source for the footage was Yann Arthus-Bertrand's incredible film HOME http://www.homethemovie.org/.
At The U.N. HeForShe Campaign Launch
The goodwill ambassador also eloquently explained why the campaign is focusing on males: “We don’t often talk about men being imprisoned by gender stereotypes but I can see that they are and that when they are free, things will change for women as a natural consequence.” #heforshe
Gregg Braden explains how the energy field of human emotions can manifest "miracles", whether it is healing or creating peace, when you apply conscious positive focus on what you want.
As an example he talks about a woman who had a 3" diamater bladder cancer who, by western medical standards, had been diagnosed as inoperable. She went, as a last resort, to a medicine-less hospital in Beijing, where they began simply by addressing the life-affirming ways that she could change how she was living her life, they taught her life-affirming ways to breathe and life-affirming ways to nourish her body, gentle movements to stimulate the energy centres in her body. She then underwent a procedure to remove it. Using a split-screen ultrasound monitor, the first showing a freeze-frame of her tumour, and the second showing real-time activity, three practitioners used energy work to facilitate the healing, which showed the tumour disappear within three minutes.
Source: this is an excerpt from "Gregg Braden - The Science Of Miracles: The Quantum Language of Healing, Peace & Miracles".
This video was developed by Adam Winnik who states, “I have always thought of Carl Sagan’s writings as “scientific poetry” since they lack the cold touch that science is often cursed for having. I think Sagan’s words resonate more than ever, and will continue with each generation until the human species “wakes up”. The first time I heard this excerpt from his book “Pale Blue Dot” it literally changed my life, and I hope it does for you too. Enjoy.”
"How To Love Yourself"
Re-program the organic computer in your head so you can be your best self.
Trust yourself. Learn to love yourself. Teach yourself to love yourself. You've got nothing to lose... except what holds you back. This is an awesome video made by Woody Harrelson sharing some powerful thoughts from within. The video contains a message that touches us all and is riddled with truth throughout. “I sometimes feel like an alien creature, for which there is no earthly explanation,” begins Woody Harrelson’s introspective poem. “I feel like a run-on sentence in a punctuation-crazy world.” This spoken word piece is brought to life in video with compelling images of the present day dilemma, where rules and values are dictated by unnatural forces seemingly beyond the control of our own lives. We have come too far in a direction that has removed us from ourselves. Woody Harrelson asks for a return to an ethos of caring and belonging that was “pre-us.” Check this out and share Woody’s Thoughts from Within. Have a look and spread the word! Man acts as human chair for lady in elevator Who says chivalry is dead? One man in an elevator took the meaning of a "gentleman" to a whole new level. Go ahead. Sit on me. Human chair proves chivalry isn't dead. CNN's Jeanne Moos Beautiful, Empowering and Funny! A True story. Watch and post your comments below. Published on Jan 3, 2014 "I have cerebral palsy. I shake all the time," Maysoon Zayid announces at the beginning of this exhilarating, hilarious talk. (Really, it's hilarious.) "I'm like Shakira meets Muhammad Ali." With grace and wit, the Arab-American comedian takes us on a whistle-stop tour of her adventures as an actress, stand-up comic, philanthropist and advocate for the disabled. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at http://www.ted.com/translate |
February 2022